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MudPie University (MPU) is an Illinois DCFS licensed preschool located in Germantown Hills since 2015.  We offer both 2 day and 3 day per week classes.  Our preschool year starts with a mudpie making party in September and ends with our annual Moving Up and Moving On Celebration at the end of April. If you’d like to learn more about MPU, please explore our site, check out our Facebook page to see what we’ve been up to, and/or call 309-842-9060 with any questions.  We would love to tell you more about MudPie University!  

Our Guiding Principals…

Socialization and Self-Regulation are the foundation for healthy development and school readiness.

Pre-academic skill acquisition is embedded in all activities.

Art and music are integrated into our daily routine and play an important role in our school day and learning.

Hands-on investigation and open-ended exploration encourage children to reason and to develop their ideas based on evidence from their observations.

Outdoor play time offers unlimited opportunities for learning and an enriching way to connect an appreciation of the natural world to academics.

Collaboration and communication among children, teachers, and parents  is crucial to the success of the learning process.

Problem solving is exercised when children have the opportunity to initiate ideas and experiment.

Close observation ensures that topics will be based on the interests of the children and that they are given the opportunity to learn in a way that is tailored to  individual needs.
